T-shirts For Sale

Help support Recycle Livingston with the purchase of t-shirts through PayPal. If you wish to purchase any of the below items with a check please write the items you would like, shipping address and mail to Recycle Livingston at PO Box 226 Howell, MI 48844. Or simply come in to the office trailer and save the shipping costs.

If you need a different t-shirt size than those listed below please contact Recycle Livingston or call 517-548-4439. Note: Recycle Livingston will pay the sales tax for each sale.

Yellow TShirt

Recycle Livingston T-shirts are available in the following sizes in safety yellow with black letters: Extra Large, 2X and 3X.

  • 1 Adult Extra Large @ $25 + $5S&H

  • 1 Adult 2X @ $30 + $5 S&H

  • 1 Adult 3X @ $40 + $5 S&H

Additional S&H $5 per shirt for quantities over (1)